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Seller – How to? – Orders

Use this helper/guide to manage orders on Uppu Karam & mobile app.

What are the different order statuses?

Following are the order statuses available for selection while editing an order. When customer places the order, the order will be in “Order Received” status. Customer can cancel the order anytime before the order status is changed to “Preparing”.

  • Order Received – This is the default status when the order is placed. Customer can cancel the order as long as it is in this status.
  • Preparing – Once the order status is changed to preparing, customer won’t have an option to cancel the order. Change to this status once you start preparing the order.
  • Ready – Once the order is ready and packaged, then change the status to this.
  • On the way – When the order is on the way, change the status to this. For domestic & international shipping orders, when the order status is changed to “On the way”, it will ask for the tracking number & carrier (courier). Please make sure to enter the correct tracking number. Once the order is delivered by the carrier (courier), our tracking API automatically update the order status to delivered as long as the tracking number & the carrier were correct.
  • Delivered – For pickup & door delivery orders, mark the order delivered manually. For domestic & international shipping orders, once the correct tracking number & carrier (courier) is entered on the order, the order will automatically update to delivered status. Both customer & seller will receive notifications on the app once delivered.
  • Canceled – Customer can cancel the order as long as the order is in “Order Received” status. Sellers can cancel the order anytime irrespective of the status.
How to change the order status from admin panel?

Step 1 – Login to the admin panel.

Step 2 – Navigate to the “Orders” screen from the left menu pane.

Step 3 – Identify the order on this screen, and then click “Edit”.

Step 4 – Click on the “Order Status” field & select the appropriate status.

Step 5 – Click “Save Order”.

How to change the order status from seller mobile app?

Step 1 – Login to the Uppu Karam seller mobile app.

Step 2 – Identify the customer order either from “All” tab or a respective order status tab.

Step 3 – Click “Edit” option under the order.

Step 4 – Change the order status by selecting the appropriate radio button.

Step 5 – ONLY for domestic & international shipping orders. For shipping orders, when the order status is changed to “On the way”, it will ask for “Tracking Number” & “Carrier”. Please make sure to provide accurate information. Once the carrier (courier) delivers the order, Uppu Karam tracking API will automatically update the order status to “Delivered” & a notification is sent to both customer & seller apps.

Step 6 – Click “Save Changes”.

How to cancel the order on admin panel (web)?

Step 1 – Login to the admin panel.

Step 2 – Navigate to the “Orders” screen from the left menu pane.

Step 3 – Identify the order on this screen, and then click “Edit”.

Step 4 – Click on the “Order Status” field & change the status to “Canceled“.

Step 5Uncheck the “Active” checkbox.

Step 6 – Click “Save Order”.

How to cancel the order on seller app?

Step 1 – Login to the Uppu Karam seller mobile app.

Step 2 – Identify the customer order either from “All” tab or a respective order status tab.

Step 3If the current order status is “Order Received”, then click on “Cancel” option under the order. It will then prompt for confirmation with Yes & Close options. Click “Yes” to proceed. It will next prompt for cancellation reason, here describe the reason for cancellation. Once cancellation reason is provided & submitted, the order will then get canceled & a notification will be sent to both customer & seller apps.

Step 4 If the current order status is NOT “Order Received”, then click on “Edit” option under the order. On the edit order screen, change the order status to “Order Received” & save. Once the order is in “Order Received” status, now follow the above Step 3.

What are “Shop Notes”?

These are the shop’s internal notes about the order for reference. These notes are NOT visible to the customer.

Does Domestic & International Shipping orders automatically change the status to Delivered?

Yes. When the order status is changed to “On the Way”, it will prompt for Tracking Number & Carrier. If correct tracking number & carrier were updated on the order, Uppu Karam’s partnered API will automatically track the order status & update it to Delivered within few hours from delivery.

Can customers track the shipping status for domestic & international shipping orders?

Yes. Once seller updates the order with the tracking number & carrier, a track option is enabled on the order in the customer app. Customers can track the status directly from the app.